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44 specticle flo

SAFETY DATA SHEET SPECTICLE® FLO - Bayer SPECTICLE® FLO 2/11 Version 3.0 / USA Revision Date: 05/21/2020 102000025126 Print Date: 05/23/2020 Harmful if inhaled. May cause damage to organs (Nervous system) through prolonged or repeated exposure. May cause damage to organs. Precautionary statements Do not breathe spray. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Spectacle Flo Pre-emerge Herbicide 18 oz. - Specticle FLO is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds.

PDF Specticle Flo Label - SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.

Specticle flo

Specticle flo

Specticle Flo | Golf Ventures Bayer's Specticle FLO herbicide is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds. Innovative pre-emergent herbicide solution allows less application and greater weed control. Longer residual control, which means fewer applications and reducing fuel, labor and pesticide costs. Specticle FLO Herbicide Product - Envu Specticle FLO is a tool for pre-emergent weed control. Specticle for landscapes and hardscapes | Bayer Environmental Science US Running a landscape and lawn business keeps you busy, and any chance to do more with less labor and streamline your operation is a good thing. Specticle ® FLO and Specticle G herbicides have a low use rate and deliver long-lasting control of more than 90 grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds and annual sedges in landscape beds and hardscape areas.

Specticle flo. HERBICIDE 1 Gallon - Bayer SPECTICLE FLO HERBICIDE is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many labeled AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This standard contains re Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide: Label & Product Info - SiteOne Description Spectile Flo offers warm season turf managers an innovative tool for controlling all major weeds. That's because Spectacle Flo is proven to provide superior pre-emergent control of the most troublesome weeds. It offers residual control for up to eight months and less Active Ingredients than competitive products. Specticle® on St. Augustinegrass| Bayer Environmental Science US But Specticle FLO delivers superior preemergence control with a long-lasting residual that reduces callbacks, cuts down on labor costs and keeps customers happy. Plan the first strike with our Specticle FLO Cost-in-Use Calculator and compare costs for yourself. Research shows that a Specticle FLO preemergence program can reduce 1.5 ... Specticle Flo SPECTICLE FLO® HERBICIDE is a selective, preemergence alkylazine herbicide. SPECTICLE FLO HERBICIDE provides extended residual control.

Specticle FLO - Advanced Turf Solutions Specticle® FLO herbicide controls the most troublesome grassy and broadleaf weeds, as well as annual sedges. Bayer CropScience LP, Environmental Science Division, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. 1-800-331-2867. . Bayer, the Bayer Cross, and Specticle are registered trademarks of Bayer. Spect(i)cle Flo | Bayer Environmental Science | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Pests. Bluegrass, Annual Ageratum, Tropic Bittercress Buckwheat, Wild Burclover, California Puncturevine Carrot, Wild Goosegrass Chamomile, False Cheat /Cheatgrass Chickweed, Mouseear Chickweed, Common Clover, White Crabgrass, Smooth/Small Crabgrass, Hairy/Large Cudweed, Purple Dandelion Henbit Dock, Curly Eclipta Eveningprimrose, Common ... Specticle FLO Herbicide - 18 Ounces — Seed Barn $287.77 Description Specticle FLO Herbicide Specticle FLO is a selective, pre-emergent alkylazine herbicide. Specticle FLO provides extended residual control of many annual grasses including crabgrass, goosegrass, and annual bluegrass, as well as annual sedges, and broadleaf weeds in turf, landscape ornamentals, and hardscapes. Specticle FLO Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 18 Ounces | Seed World Specitcle FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field-grown woody ornamentals. Specticle FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply Specticle FLO in strict accordance to the label.

SPECTICLE FLO 18OZ | Agri Supply | Agri Supply # 125379 Product Overview SPECTICLE FLO is a selective, pre-emergent alkylazine herbicide. SPECTICLE FLO provides extended residual control of many annual grasses including crabgrass, goosegrass, and annual bluegrass, as well as annual sedges, and many broadleaf weeds. For use instructions, please read the label, the label is the Law Specticle FLO Herbicide | Selective | PestWeb by Veseris Specticle FLO is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds. Specifications SDS & Labels Additional Information Reviews Mixing Specticle FLO? | Lawn Care Forum Joined Mar 7, 2008. 11,756 Posts. #2 · Sep 11, 2015. If I am ever treating a lawn that obviously has a weed problem, that is SOP for me. A lot of preemergent labels allow it and even have manufacturer approved tank mixes. Specticle is one of the strongest crabgrass and goosegrass preemergents on the market. Gallery is the best for broadleaves. Where to buy Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide - Pestrong $49.95 Prodiamine 65 WDG Generic Barricade - 5 Lbs $84.95 More info Label/SDS Reviews (4) Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 18 Oz - Gallon is a pre emergent for warm season grass that controls all major weeds with superior residual control of crabgrass, poa annua, annual sedge, and goosegrass.

Specticle FLO From: Bayer Environmental Science | Green ...

Specticle FLO From: Bayer Environmental Science | Green ...

Specticle FLO Herbicide Label - SDS - Rentokil Initial SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many labeled ornamentals. AGRICULTURAL USE ...25 pages



Specticle FLO Herbicide - 18 Ounces - Arrives by Wed, Dec 8 Buy Specticle FLO Herbicide - 18 Ounces at

Specticle FLO for Warm-Season Lawns - YouTube

Specticle FLO for Warm-Season Lawns - YouTube

PDF GROUP 29 HERBICIDE - LabelSDS SPECTICLE FLOis a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLOmay damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLOin strict ac- cordance to the label.

Special Offers on Lawn Care and Maintenance | Tulsa, OK

Special Offers on Lawn Care and Maintenance | Tulsa, OK

Bayer Specticle Flo 1 gallon. - Specticle Flo Pre Emergent Liquid Herbicide 1 gal. $950.00 + $26.00 shipping + $26.00 shipping + $26.00 shipping. Bayer BioAdvanced Ready-to-Use Brush Killer, 1 Gallon. $18.95. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Sealed Bayer Acclaim Extra Herbicide 1 Gallon. $428.00

Mesotryone 4l Callisto Tenacity Mesotrione Pre-emergent ...

Mesotryone 4l Callisto Tenacity Mesotrione Pre-emergent ...

Specticle flo question | Lawn Care Forum If running a 2 part split at max rate expect a big root pruning effect with Specticle. F FATC1TY Premium Member Joined Jul 11, 2017 2,218 Posts #6 · Oct 5, 2022 I highly advise not the do the max rate split unless you are dealing with higher weed pressure or already have a salad bar of a yard. 6-7oz rate works excellent from what I've found.

Bayer Specticle Flo Pre-emerge Herbicide 1 Gallon Factory ...

Bayer Specticle Flo Pre-emerge Herbicide 1 Gallon Factory ...

Specticle FLO - DIY Pest Control Specticle FLO with indaziflam, is a pre-emergent, selective and broad-spectrum herbicide that provides residual control of troublesome weeds such as ...

Specticle Flo pre emergent going down this week | Lawn Care Forum

Specticle Flo pre emergent going down this week | Lawn Care Forum

Specticle FLO - DoMyOwn Specticle FLO is a pre-emergent that controls all major weeds with superior residual control of crabgrass, poa annua, annual sedge, and goosegrass. The residual activity of Specticle FLO lasts for up to 8 months all while using less active ingredients than competitve products.

Bayer Amenity Solutions on Twitter:

Bayer Amenity Solutions on Twitter: "Signature Xtra, our new ...

Shop | FBN Copyright © 2014 - 2022 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, "Farmers Business Network", "FBN", "FBN Direct" and "F2F ...

Specticle Pre Emergent Question and Answer with Product Rep

Specticle Pre Emergent Question and Answer with Product Rep

Specticle FLO Herbicide - 18 Ounces - Specitcle FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field-grown woody ornamentals. Specticle FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply Specticle FLO in strict accordance to the label.

Teddy | Facebook

Teddy | Facebook

Specticle FLO Herbicide | Pre-emergent weed control Size: 1 Gallon 18 Ounce 1 Gallon Add to Cart Spectacle Flo- Herbicide Specticle FLO is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds.

US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Specticle FLO,04/17/2019

US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Specticle FLO,04/17/2019

Specticle FLO Herbicide Product | Bayer Environmental Science US When it comes to keeping turf looking beautiful, you can count on Specticle® FLO. It's been proven to provide superior preemergence control of the most troublesome weeds. It also offers postemergence control of crabgrass, so you're covered, even if you apply a little late. Key Benefits

Bayer Specticle 20 WSP Herbicide - Lawn & Landscape

Bayer Specticle 20 WSP Herbicide - Lawn & Landscape

Bayer Specticle Flo 785740640852 | eBay Specticle Flo Pre Emergent Liquid Herbicide 1 gal. $950.00 + $26.00 shipping + $26.00 shipping + $26.00 shipping. Alion Herbicide 1 Quart Bayer Crop Science Mfr. date 06/2021. $650.00. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Alion Herbicide Pre-emergent 1 Quart Bayer Crop Science. $340.00

Partnering for Growth - Landscape Management

Partnering for Growth - Landscape Management

Specticle Flo - The Lawn Forum Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:14 pm Location: Central Louisiana Grass Type: Raleigh St Augustine/Bermuda Lawn Size: 30,800sqft Mower: Badboy ZT Elite 48w/ odoc Re: Specticle Flo by CenlaLowell » Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:13 am Most people down two application a year. 6 oz/acre rate. Yes since you did it that way you can put it down

Fall Preemergent - Specticle Flo (S3E22) » Sunny Bermuda

Fall Preemergent - Specticle Flo (S3E22) » Sunny Bermuda

Specticle for landscapes and hardscapes | Bayer Environmental Science US Running a landscape and lawn business keeps you busy, and any chance to do more with less labor and streamline your operation is a good thing. Specticle ® FLO and Specticle G herbicides have a low use rate and deliver long-lasting control of more than 90 grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds and annual sedges in landscape beds and hardscape areas.

Bayer Environmental Science

Bayer Environmental Science

Specticle FLO Herbicide Product - Envu Specticle FLO is a tool for pre-emergent weed control.

stok Rumput gajah mini - Konstruksi dan Taman - 809058929

stok Rumput gajah mini - Konstruksi dan Taman - 809058929

Specticle Flo | Golf Ventures Bayer's Specticle FLO herbicide is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds. Innovative pre-emergent herbicide solution allows less application and greater weed control. Longer residual control, which means fewer applications and reducing fuel, labor and pesticide costs.

Specticle Flo, Revolver, Monument, Tribute Herbicides

Specticle Flo, Revolver, Monument, Tribute Herbicides

Bayer CropScience Announces Specticle FLO and Celsius Now ...

Bayer CropScience Announces Specticle FLO and Celsius Now ...

Indaziflam on warm-season native grasses in rough

Indaziflam on warm-season native grasses in rough

Bayer releases Specticle Cost-in-Use Calculator - Landscape ...

Bayer releases Specticle Cost-in-Use Calculator - Landscape ...

#clydebank #snake #animal #glasgow only in drumry

#clydebank #snake #animal #glasgow only in drumry

stok Rumput gajah mini - Konstruksi dan Taman - 809058929

stok Rumput gajah mini - Konstruksi dan Taman - 809058929

Post-emergent Management Of Poa annua in Bermudagrass Turf ...

Post-emergent Management Of Poa annua in Bermudagrass Turf ...

Statewide Contract Addendum

Statewide Contract Addendum

Specticle Flo pre emergent going down this week | Lawn Care Forum

Specticle Flo pre emergent going down this week | Lawn Care Forum

Specticle Flo 1 gallon 80943407E 130221AV5 etl 081214

Specticle Flo 1 gallon 80943407E 130221AV5 etl 081214

2lb tannerite under a 55 gallon plastic barrel#tannerite#outdoors#country

2lb tannerite under a 55 gallon plastic barrel#tannerite#outdoors#country

Post-emergent Management Of Poa annua in Bermudagrass Turf ...

Post-emergent Management Of Poa annua in Bermudagrass Turf ...

Sencor 75 Turf Herbicide - 5 Pounds

Sencor 75 Turf Herbicide - 5 Pounds

Bayer Golf (@BayerGolf):

Bayer Golf (@BayerGolf): "Annual bluegrass (aka Poa annua) is ...

Landscape applications of Specticle G compared Specticle Flo ...

Landscape applications of Specticle G compared Specticle Flo ...



Sonar RTU Ready-to-Use -1 Quart

Sonar RTU Ready-to-Use -1 Quart

POA already??! | Lawn Care Forum

POA already??! | Lawn Care Forum

ELEVATE | Lawn & Landscape Expo | Bayer Turf & Ornamentals

ELEVATE | Lawn & Landscape Expo | Bayer Turf & Ornamentals

Spectacle Flo Pre-emerge Herbicide 18 oz.

Spectacle Flo Pre-emerge Herbicide 18 oz.

Specticle Flo - Where to buy Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 18 Oz -  Gallon

Specticle Flo - Where to buy Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 18 Oz - Gallon

Specticle FLO gallon (128 oz)

Specticle FLO gallon (128 oz)

US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Specticle FLO,08/31/2020

US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Specticle FLO,08/31/2020

PRE3 Program | Bayer Environmental Science U.S.

PRE3 Program | Bayer Environmental Science U.S.



Landscapers launch preemptive attacks with pre-emergent ...

Landscapers launch preemptive attacks with pre-emergent ...

What is Specticle? - YouTube

What is Specticle? - YouTube

Specticle G Verge

Specticle G Verge

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