45 trimec weed killer label
Trimec® Broadleaf Herbicide Bentgrass Formula: Broadleaf control for ... Especially effective in controlling clover, red sorrel, knotweed, spotted spurge, chickweed, and dandelion, Trimec Bentgrass Formula provides dependable performance on bentgrass greens, tees, fairways, and aprons. It's also registered for use on buffalograss, centipedegrass, and St. Augustinegrass, and is effective in temperatures as low as 50℉. Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec® - Southern Ag Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec® - Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc. Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec® For use on 9 turf types Controls a wide range of lawn weeds A patented combination of 3 proven weed killers Directions for use in conventional & hose end sprayers CONTAINS: 5.30% Mecoprop, 3.05% 2,4-D, 1.29% Dicamba.
Trimec Classic Herbicide | Do It Yourself Pest Control | Free Shipping Trimec Classic- Post-Emergent Broadleaf Weed Control It controls all major broadleaf weeds in turf such as dandelions, plantain and cloves. It does not harm turfgrass species. Controls all major broadleaf weeds in turf Gets hard-to-kill weeds without repeated applications Effective post-emergence control at a wide range of temperatures

Trimec weed killer label
PDF Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Broadleaf Herbicide - Southern Ag BROADLEAF HERBICIDE CONTROLS: DANDELIONS, CHICKWEED, , SPURGE and many other broadleaf lawn weeds, including those shown on the inside label. OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION TER BASED Agricultural Insecticides, Inc. 34220 REG. NO. 2217-570-829 B5 . NO. 829-FL-1 WN WEED KILLER WITH TRIMEC R ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Mecoprop-p, Dimethylamine Salt ..... Trimec Weed Killer for Bahia Lawns Quart | Big Earth Supply The manufacturer has labeled this product as safe to use as a weed killer on Bahia lawns. It is always important to follow directions as written on the product label and safety data sheet to ensure the correct precautions and protocol are being taken. Never use atrazine products on Bahia. PDF DANGER - PELIGRO - DoMyOwn.com Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-877-800-5556 for emergency medical treatment advice. Note to Physician:Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Environmental Hazards
Trimec weed killer label. Lebanon TRIMEC 1.81% Broadleaf Herbicide | LebanonTurf Lebanon TRIMEC 1.81% Broadleaf Herbicide A granular weed control product For general turf use Trimec at 1.81% for control of broadleaf weeds Please see label for specific information on pests controlled, application rates, timing and use Add To Compare Print Product Information Available Sizes Specifications Spreader Settings Item #: 2435799 Trimec Lawn Weed Killer, Herbicide, 1 Quart - Agri Supply This herbicide comes in a 1 quart container. See product packaging for details and proper directions. Specifications. TRIMEC ® Lawn Weed Killer. Broadleaf weed killer, herbicide. Treats between 8,000 to 16,000 sq. feet, depending on your lawn type. Net contents: 1 qt. Active ingredients: 2,4-D - 7.59 % , Mecoprop-p - 1.83 %, Dicamba - 0.84 %. Gordons Trimec Classic Herbicide - Lawn Dork™ An industry favorite, Trimec® Classic Broadleaf Herbicide. Delivers dependable control of more than 90 broadleaf weeds, including clover, dandelion, plantain, and chickweed. The synergistic action of its formulation helps keep the cost-per-acre low, and Trimec Classic won't harm most turfgrass species when used as directed. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TRIMEC LAWN WEED KILLER FOR SOUTHERN ... U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TRIMEC LAWN WEED KILLER FOR SOUTHERN OR NORTHERN GRASSES, 10/11/1983 sro" RlAD THE ENTIRE LABEL FIRST. MSERY( ALL ",ECAunONI AND FOllOW DIRECTIONS CA"EFUlLY : ... --..------c....uTtOIIA'IY".an_MTI -1 I ,,,,,,'0001 ,~"","'~~Q .-, .... 1 -,-ft • D<> ..... --..--.......
Trimec ® Classic Broadleaf Herbicide - PBI-Gordon Turf An industry favorite, Trimec ® Classic Broadleaf Herbicide. Delivers dependable control of more than 90 broadleaf weeds, including clover, dandelion, plantain, and chickweed. The synergistic action of its formulation helps keep the cost-per-acre low, and Trimec Classic won't harm most turfgrass species when used as directed. Show More Trimec Weed Killer Review - Top 3 Recommended Trimec Products The Tri in Trimec comes from its blend of 3 different herbicides: 2, 4-D, Dicamba, and Mecoprop. These potent herbicides provides homeowners with a superior weed killer. Trimec is a post-emergent herbicide. Post-emergent herbicides will kill germinated weeds that have taken root in the yard. It will not prevent weeds from growing. PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TRIMEC 992 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE, 04/16/2014 The label submitted with the application has been date-stamped "Notification" and placed in our records. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Meadows at (703)347-0505 or at meadows.sarah@epa.gov. Sincerely, irn/O Kathryn V. Montague Product Manager 23 Herbicide Branch Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs V ao Weed Killer - Earl May Lawn Earl May Lawn Weed Killer | Earl May Weed Killer - Earl May Lawn SKU: 671412 TRIMEC WEED KILLER 1/2 GAL $24.99 Ship 462 Available Pickup in Store - FREE! Select Store to check availability. Quantity Add to Shopping Cart
Trimec - Nufarm New Zealand Trimec is a reliable selective herbicide that controls a wide variety of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley and ryegrass seed crops. Can be tank mixed with commonly used insecticides and fungicides. Trimec contains 600g/L Mecoprop, 150g/L MCPA and 18.7g/L Dicamba. Active Ingredient: 600g/L Mecoprop, 150g/L MCPA and 18.7g/L Dicamba PDF Lawn Weed Killer Trimec Label - DoMyOwn.com Lawn Weed Killer With Trimec R is a TRIMEC turf herbicide formulation, a patented combination of three proven weed killers - 2,4D, Mecoprop and Dicamba. Together, they control a wide range of broadleaf lawn weeds. ... with label instructions, warnings or cautions, or the use of the product under abnormal conditions such as drought, excessive ... Trimec Lawn Weed Killer, Gordon's | Forestry Distributing North America ... Trimec Lawn Weed Killer, More than 50 Years of Proven Performance. Trimec Lawn Weed Killer, For best results, mow before spraying. Mix with water according to the label directions and spray. Use when air temperatures are 60°-90°F with good soil moisture. Apply any time during the growing season when weeds are actively growing. PDF Ecimen Label - Specimen Label - Specimen Label - Specimen Label ... HOT LINE NUMBER: Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-877-800-5556 for emergency medical treat-ment information. ... To treat individual weeds: spray to wet weed leaf surfaces. 6. Re-pressurize the sprayer as needed to maintain a good spray
PDF Trimec Plus Herbicide Label - newtechbio.com Mix 3 fluid ounces of TRIMEC ® PLUS in 1 gallon of water for treatment of 1,000 square feet of turf. Spray the target weeds thoroughly and wet Do not allow people (other than applicator) or pets on treatment area the entire leaf surface of the undesirable plants. Withhold sprinkling or during application.
Gordons Trimec Nutsedge Plus Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate 1 Pint - 855140 Product Features:Kills yellow nutsedge and 200+ broadleaf weedsTreats northern and southern grassesKills Yellow Nutsedge in northern & southern grasses.Kills 200+ Broadleaf Weeds including poison ivy & poison oakSpot Treatments: Mix 1.25 fl. oz. of concen
Pesticides: Trimec - Missouri Botanical Garden Chemical Action and Usages: Trimec is a selective herbicide for the control of a wide range of broad-leafed weeds including dandelion, plantains, chickweed, clover, henbit, spurge, wild onion and more in established lawns without harming the turf grass. It may also be used for broadleaf weed control in other non-crop areas of the landscape. Trimec is a combination of 2, 4-D, Mecoprop and Dicamba.
Trimec Classic Broadleaf Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons - Amazon.com Trimec Classic label Trimec Classic MSDS sheet Trimec herbicide is a non-dot regulated product Trimec Classic broadleaf herbicide is the number one preference of golf course superintendents and other professionals responsible for intensively managed fine turf - is now a low-odor product. ... Where reliable weed control is the goal, Trimec ...
How Long Does Gordons Liquid Trimec Take to Kill Weeds? Trimec Liquid Weed Killer is a concentrated chemical that kills 250+ broadleaf weeds and will not harm lawn when applied correctly. Which weeds does Gordon's Trimec kill? Gordon's Trimec boasts to control over 250 different types of broadleaf weeds. It is particularly effective against hard-to-kill weeds such as: Dock Ground Ivy Healall Lespedeza
Trimec 1000 Specimen Label - SiteOne Trimec 1000 Specimen Label S P E C I M E N L A B E L - 1- CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO USE DIRECTIONS Controls Dandelion, Clover, Knotweed, Henbit, Chickweed, Plantain, Spurge and many other broadleaf weeds. Mixed • Amine Formula ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 2,4-D, diethanolamine salt (DEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.59%
PDF Trimec 992 - Grass Seed Products and Seed Mixtures | Conserv FS Trimec®992 Broadleaf Herbicide is intended for use on sod farms. Trimec®992 Broadleaf Herbicide provides selective broadleaf control in warm season and cool season turfgrass established for commercial sod production. APPLICATION SCHEDULES FOR SOD FARMS: Apply Trimec®992 Broadleaf Herbicide to broadleaf weeds that are actively growing.
Trimec Herbicide for Pastures | CattleToday If I read that right, (chart 3) it says to use 3 oz of Trimec to 3 gals of water, to treat 750 sq ft. That is about 1/60 sq acre. 1 Acre=43,560 sq ft. IOW, label directs give the mix ratio as 1oz to 1 gal of water. 100oz Trimec will make 100 gals of mixture.
Trimec 1000 - Advanced Turf Solutions Trimec ® 1000 Low Odor Broadleaf Herbicide delivers post-emergence broadleaf weed control of tough broadleaf weeds, including clover, dandelion, chickweed, plantain, and many more as listed. A mixed-amine formulation, Trimec 1000 contains four powerful ingredients formulated to help translocate through the plant and into the roots of even the most deep-rooted perennials.
How To Mix Trimec Lawn Weed Killer - LoveMyLawn.net Trimec lawn weed killer label Give weeds 8 hours to live! Trimec Speed Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate kills 250+ broadleaf weeds, including dandelion, clover, chickweed, ground ivy and others as listed. Trimec Weed Killer for Bahia Lawns Quart. $ 17.99. Controls a wide range of lawn weeds, a patented combination of 3 proven weed killers. Label.
Trimec® - EC Grow Professional Turf Fertilizer Trimec®. This product is a Trimec® herbicide containing fertilizer, 2,4-D, mecoprop-p, and dicamba. This granular weed and feed provides plant nutrients and controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds in turfgrass. This product is intended to be applied by commercial applicators, noncommercial users, lawn care operators, and landscape personnel.
PDF DANGER - PELIGRO - DoMyOwn.com Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-877-800-5556 for emergency medical treatment advice. Note to Physician:Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Environmental Hazards
Trimec Weed Killer for Bahia Lawns Quart | Big Earth Supply The manufacturer has labeled this product as safe to use as a weed killer on Bahia lawns. It is always important to follow directions as written on the product label and safety data sheet to ensure the correct precautions and protocol are being taken. Never use atrazine products on Bahia.
PDF Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Broadleaf Herbicide - Southern Ag BROADLEAF HERBICIDE CONTROLS: DANDELIONS, CHICKWEED, , SPURGE and many other broadleaf lawn weeds, including those shown on the inside label. OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION TER BASED Agricultural Insecticides, Inc. 34220 REG. NO. 2217-570-829 B5 . NO. 829-FL-1 WN WEED KILLER WITH TRIMEC R ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Mecoprop-p, Dimethylamine Salt .....
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